10 facts that prove mobile is ‘the next big thing’

At last week’s SocialBakers’ Engage 2013 mobile was hailed ‘the next big thing’ in advertising, but a large chunk of B2B marketers still believe mobile is only for big B2C brands.

Here’s 10 facts that might change your mind:

Mobile now accounts for 10 per cent of internet usage worldwide. A whopping 91 per cent of mobile internet access is social, versus just 79 per cent on desktops.

Bruce Daisley, Director of Twitter UK, urges B2B brands to move from desktop to mobile: “38 per cent of our daily media interactions occur on a Smartphone. People are transfixed to their mobile phones. Twitter’s approach is to use native ads – they look and feel like the content they’re surrounded by. Tweets are not intrusive, they’re informative. The average person looks at their phone 150 times a day.”

There was 103 per cent growth in website traffic from Smartphones from 2011 to 2012. B2B marketers will also be keen to know Mobile location-based advertising will grow 65 percent a year until 2017 and Six out of ten global executives are using tablets.

Andrew Grill, CEO of Kred says: “Create a presence on the web that works however you visit it – no matter what device. The vast majority of people are not doing that.”

However, the Barclay’s Online Business Outlook 2013 revealed online businesses in the U.K. remain unprepared for the rapid shift to mobile, do not see mobile as a significant area for growth and a sizable proportion are ignorant about next generation 4G mobile. These oversights could result in British business falling behind global competition.

While 64 per cent of online businesses in the U.K. believe a mobile strategy is an important factor in their business success, 89 per cent of online businesses have not yet developed their website for mobile devices.

As an increasing number of prospects access business websites via their mobile phone B2B brands need to be mobile ready. Desktop websites are not suitable for mobile and prospects are easily driven away by complicated mobile sites. As a result, bounce rates from mobile visitors are known to be resoundingly high. Mobile websites need to be simple and only contain vital business information, including address, contact detail and supplies. 

B2B marketers need to push their brands forward and allow prospects to access their brand at the point of impulse – the mobile.


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