10 steps to creating employee brand advocates

10 steps to creating employee brand advocates

1. Benchmark existing participation

Find your socially active employees.

2. Assess the landscape

Take note of your industry and company culture.

3. Seek out a champion

Identify an internal advocate for your programme.

4. Set your goals

Determine realistic numeric goals that you can measure regularly.

5. Establish programme metrics

Start building your programme.

6. Paint the full picture

Communicate your vision to the company.

7. Provide training

Equip your employees with the right technical and non-technical tools.

8. Manage the community

Provide ongoing support for your employees.

9. Analyse data

Crunch the numbers regularly to keep track of your progress.

10. Give it meaning

Share your programme’s success across the company.

Want to know more? Our employee advocacy feature contains in-depth analysis and comment from industry experts on how to win the hearts and minds of your employees.

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