If you’re starting a new business, the sooner you recognize the value of advertising the better. But if you do not have marketing experience, you may hit a brick wall with regards to advertising. This is a common dilemma, and for this matter, you may consider hiring a marketing company to help with your campaign. Although effective, this approach is by no means cheap.
Choosing the best marketing tactic for your company has its challenges, and like most entrepreneurs, you at least want to break even. What are your options in the beginning?
Using promotional items such as pens can jump start your marketing efforts. This do-it-yourself marketing tactic may not reach a broad audience, but it’s an excellent starting point. PensXpress is an excellent place if you need company pens. But why should you go this route?
1. Cost-effective
Seriously consider how much you can spend on marketing. New small business owners don’t typically have a lot of capital. As such, they often look for inexpensive ways to get their name in front of people. There is a cost to creating promotional pens, but this marketing tactic is by far the most cost-effective one available. Promotional pens are sold in bulk, and the cost per pin is very affordable. For example, you might be able to get 500 pens for under $300. This is much cheaper than most direct mailings, radio ads and television spots.
2. Walking advertisements
Direct mail, television and radio ads are very effective. But for these ads to be effective, customers have to hear or see them at the right time. Your radio ad may play while someone is driving in his car. But the moment the ad goes off the air, this person may forget about your company. It’s different with promotional pens.
When designing custom promotional pens for your company, you can include the name of your company, your address, your telephone number, plus your web address directly on the pen. Each time recipients use your pin, they’re reminded of your service. They may not currently need your product or service, but if they develop a need in the future, your company may be the first one that pops into their head.
3. Usability
With any type of promotional item, it’s good to choose an item that will receive heavy use. You can get creative and choose other types of promotional items, such as T-shirts, bottle openers and magnets. These are cute, but how often will recipients really use them?
Promotional pens are very different. Just about everyone works or attends school, plus they have a use for pens. You don’t want a promotional item that recipients will forget about or throw away.
Don’t think that marketing isn’t an option because of your limited budget. There are more than a few ways to get your business name in the public. Start off with low-cost marketing, and you can eventually progress to larger campaigns. Plus with pens, you can choose from a variety of designs and colors.