5 Business Apps Your Should Not Be Without

You could be forgiven for not keeping up with the constant torrent of business apps flooding the market and our harddrives. But this is not to say that there aren’t a few that are essential keepers. We’ve listened to a bunch of suggestions and ventured out on our own to discover 5 apps that we find truly indispensable. Read on for our recommendations and feel free to comment with any you feel that we have overlooked.

1)    BusinessVibes. BusinessVibes is unique in that it is essentially a B2B social network. Unlike many newer social networks, BusinessVibes doesn’t suffer from a narrow user base. You’ll be able to surf through the services and products of more than 50 million businesses, all over the world. This is a great tool for discovering ways to economize your business, create networks, and forge relationships that form the foundation of any successful business. You’ll even be able to perform live chats and find customers for the stuff you sell. In classic business parlance, the most basic BusinessVibes social action is the “handshake”, a maneuver by which you make a social connection, a la Tinder (but with obvious differences). Imagine your North American based company produces goods that are highly needed in Asia. With one swipe from your finger, you will be in contact with these companies that need your product.

2)    BuildFire. In many ways BuildFire is like a simplified WordPress for mobile apps. If you have a new or small business, you may not have a ton of resources to pour into a professionally designed mobile app. But you’ll find that you can quickly concoct a very impressive app with just the resources available in BuildFire and your own creativity.

3)    MightyMeeting. This is a cloud-integrated app for making presentations available anywhere and on any device. Because of its versatility and cloud power, you will be able to submit charts, graphs, and visuals to a bunch of different devices in real time, and give others the same control if they want to get a hand on the action. You will be able to project these images, of course, but you don’t have to be in the same room, or even the same country.

4)    Abbyy Card Reader. While it may seem that this app is spanning the gap between a modern way of doing things and an archaic alternative, Abbyy Card Reader nonetheless performs a handy function. If you find yourself inundated with business cards, you can quickly image and upload the details onto your mobile device and recycle or return unwanted business cards. We long for the day when “analog” business cards are a thing of the past, but until then, there’s Abbyy Card Reader.

5)    Nutcache. Nutcache performs a bunch of handy money functions for business owners. You can have your employees clock in and out here. You can manage invoices. You can even track and manage expenses. It’s free, so just download it and tap around. You’ll find something useful for you and your business.

Like I said, there are a bazillion business apps, more than we can test out ourselves. So try some and let us know what you think. If you strike gold, we might review it here. Until then, enjoy the benefit of these great mobile apps for business.  

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