The world of martech is at once cutting-edge and cliché-ridden.
Jess Pike
speaks to martechers at the sharp end to discover which of the latter tend to ring the most true in 2016
You have 52 sales emails for the 30-day trials you never took up in your inbox…
“The world of martech is like a sweet shop,” says
Ben Wood
, executive creative director and co-founder of CAB Studios. “Everywhere you turn there’s a solution provider claiming to do something more than the one you have right now and you can’t help but trial it to see if it’s true. We’re all looking for a new advantage for our clients and greater efficiency for ourselves.”
You speak the language of tech as well as the language of marketing…
“CPC, CPM, API and MVP tech stack all make sense to you even though they’re the kind of acronyms that get the IT folks looking worried,” says consultant
Marc Duke
. “There’s nothing worse than a TLA to demonstrate total ignorance!” Ben’s in total agreement: “Working in martech I have to regularly remind myself that penguins, pandas and pythons aren’t just algorithms of codes but living, breathing animals!”
Scott Brinker’s martech supergraphic fills you with glee and fear in equal measure…
What was once a neat infographic explaining the martech landscape is now
something far wilder
: as the years go by and the proliferation of martech increases, we’ve seen the number of logos increase from 150 in 2011 to 3,874 in 2016. On the one hand this lifts the curtain on your martech competition; on the other, it shows that despite a recent explosion in marketing tech there’s still room for everyone, with newcomers continuing to jostle their way into the melee.
Your company CEO is practically half your age…
“CEOs of tech businesses are getting younger and younger” says
Christelle Fraysse
, CMO at “Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Aaron Levie of Box and Jonathan Cherki of Content Square… all of these entrepreneurs started their businesses straight from university when they were just 20-years-old. As a senior marketer in your mid- to late-thirties/early-forties, you suddenly realise that your CEO is half your age and could actually be your child! These guys are shaking up traditional business models and the way they engage employees.”
The speed of change can cause minor heart palpitations…
Technology is adapting at an exponential rate and with new start-ups popping up all the time the work of the martecher is never done. “Working in martech we constantly need to re-evaluate the market dynamics,” says Christelle. “Faced with this acceleration of change I’ve evolved my way of doing things by shortening my planning and execution cycles. My team’s focus is on fast execution capabilities, short-term iterative projects, fast creative cycles, testing (and more testing), increased experimentation and data-based decision-making.”
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