Value of Marketing

5 Tips to Champion the True Value of Marketing

Marketing has rapidly evolved, with teams now juggling multiple roles while proving their value across the business. Increasingly, it seems that marketing is expected to deliver more business impact and drive revenue, fast. Research shows 40% of CMOs face greater pressure to prove ROI quickly, while 47% must directly impact revenue. 

It’s harder to be heard

Over 70% of B2B prospects define their needs before contacting sales, with nearly half identifying solutions beforehand. Marketing content must therefore deliver real impact ahead of any sales conversations. 

As well as the pressure of delivering at speed, the marketing team is playing a growing role in driving digital marketing transformation and keeping up with the latest in technology. In the US alone, approximately 70% of digital marketing transformations in B2B organisations are led by senior marketing leaders. 

Marketing Matters – and all teams should know its value

As a result of this is that marketing team focus and resource are being pulled in different directions, and prioritisation has never been harder. Short term initiatives, long-term brand building, reporting and proving ROI are all competing for your attention and time.

In the rush to transform and the squeeze on resource, teams may be feeling out of their depth – and need additional support with the day-to-day of how to best utilise the marketing stack. The fact is, only 27% of marketers say their marketing data is fully integrated with their systems and tools, while a sizeable 69% of B2B marketers feel that their team are not very effective in their roles. 

Combine this with the age-old marketing challenge: everyone has a viewpoint to share, yet wider departments don’t always understand the purpose of marketing.

The multi-faceted role of marketing

Marketing leaders are working harder than ever, facing industry-wide challenges, including:

  • Defending the marketing strategy.
  • Educating wider teams on the value of marketing.
  • Making sure the goals and priorities stay on track.
  • Proving value to the business and driving future growth.
  • And, ultimately, delivering value to customers.

So how do you showcase how the work marketing does? It all starts with raising awareness of the sheer scope and depth of work, challenges and inputs produced as well as the impact they will have.

Here are 5 tips to help:

1. Improve your team’s visibility
Give company decision makers regular updates on what you’re currently working on.
Consider creating a simple one-page plan to outline everything for the year, why it’s
important and how it aligns back to business objectives.

2. Speak stakeholder language
Don’t assume marketing language will be universally understood – so make sure you’re
using accessible and widely known terms to communicate your strategy. Explain
marketing terminology and tell your story in a simple, easy to understand way, welcome
questions and explore metrics as ‘good’, ‘better’, ‘best’.

3. Showcase your services and skillsets
Create a marketing brochure, showcasing your skills and services to educate teams on
when to approach marketing for support. Run internal workshops to educate and inspire.
Use these sessions to show the buyer journey, the value of marketing, and best practice
industry examples.

4. Treat wider teams like customers
Frame your conversations around their world: ask about conversion rates, where gaps
are and where they’re doing well, and align your projects to their objectives and values.
Be prepared to hear their challenges and objections, and show how you’ll solve them.

5. Communicate all outcomes
Build internal credibility and trust by communicating the goals and outcomes of projects, as well as aligning expectations. By setting out what will be achieved and when (including updates for longer-term objectives) you will alleviate pressure and manage expectations. When those updates do come, it’s equally as important to share when your campaign hasn’t achieved what you were expecting, as it is to share successes.

For more insights, contact Revere, one of our Propolis members. Propolis helps B2B Marketers to shape strategy, build capability, enhance team effectiveness, and deliver business growth. Learn more about how to elevate your marketing strategy with Propolis.

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