All business decision makers use social

A whopping 100 per cent of business decision makers now use social media for work purposes, according to new research by Forrester.

The data also revealed 98 per cent of all business decision makers are ‘Spectators’ (they read blogs, watch videos, or listen to podcasts). In the UK and Germany this number is as high as 100 per cent. 

Seventy-nine per cent are ‘Joiners’ (they maintain a profile on social networking sites).

Meanwhile, 75 per cent are ‘Critics (they comment on blogs and post ratings and reviews), all in the context of their business activities.

Plus, 56 per cent are ‘Creators’ (they publish web pages/blogs or upload videos/audio).

Forrester analyst, Zachary Reiss-Davis, said in a blog post: ‘It’s no longer a question of whether you should use social, but how.

‘B2B marketing executives no longer need convincing to invest in social. However, social marketing efforts are maturing beyond experimentation – where measuring results is secondary – and are becoming a science. At this more advanced stage of maturity, marketers need to understand exactly how and when their customers are using social and target them differently in each stage of the customer life cycle.’


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