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4 Tips To Increase Your B2B Sales Lead Generation | B2B Marketing

The most important of these secret tools involve getting more leads into your sales funnel, because as you know, sales is a numbers game. This may mean extending your reach through social media channels, growing your email and call lists, or any other method available to you. Today, some light will be shed on these cryptic marketing methods. Here are 5 tricks to grow your leads.

1. Network More Efficiently

If you are unconfident or inexperienced in


, it can be overwhelming at first. One thing that can save you from a lot of stress is learning to extend the reach of your networking efforts. You can make more of the face-time you put in by following a few simple rules. Make a strong first impression, make small talk and really get to know who you are networking with, carry and collect business cards, and follow up a few days later.

2. Find the Right People to Network With

Beyond networking in person, there is a plethora of tools online that can help you generate leads without having to leave your house. Consider some of the networking tools designed to work with Twitter that allow you to find other Twitter users with similar interests. Some tools even allow you to sort these users by popularity, so you can quickly and easily identify some of the top influencers in the industry. Building relationships with these well-connected contacts is a tremendous way to build the reach of your network and optimize your time and workload.

3. Create Lead-Capture Forms for All Your Online Media

One of the biggest mistakes a marketer can make is not giving their audience a chance to get in touch. Often, it is just to easy to get caught up in the engagement and content creation aspect of social media and blogging, but it is important that you create a dialogue rather than a monologue. Allow your readers a way to connect with you to build your lead list even further. Often a simple lead capture form on the sidebar of your website or Facebook page will suffice. This can be as simple as an email address to generate the most leads, or include fields for a name and number if you are looking for higher quality leads.

4. Engage Your Audience with Special Offers

Once you are on your way to building an audience, you might create something of high value, and offer it to your customers for ‘free’ given that they do something in return. Many marketers use this as a way to get more people to sign up for their emailing lists or RSS feeds. They create a special report or white paper specific to some controversial issue in their field and offer it to customers in exchange for a name, number and/or email address.

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