‘About us’ pages veer from the good to the bad to the downright horrendous (‘head of banter’ job titles will never
be okay).
Jess Pike
finds out which brands are leading from the front
Avalaunch Media
These guys take stat-tastic to the next level: with this page they’ve combined the serious (number of conferences spoken at in the last year) with the downright silly (number of gummy bears consumed) to show us the human side of their brand. Through giving us high and low-level detail, they come across as personable and likeable, while also knowing their stuff. And look how clearly they highlight client and partner brands. Too often, shiny brand logos sit at the very bottom of web pages – but Avalaunch knows that these are
worth showing off about.
Jumpstart UK
“Most ‘About Us’ pages will talk about what the company is like, but this is a page that
what the company is like through the use of clever design and animations,” says Max Robinson, marketing executive for Mahlatini. “R&D tax credits isn’t exactly the most interesting subject in the world, but somehow these guys manage to make it feel exciting. The CTAs scattered throughout the page are perfectly placed, and the animations are fun and enticing. Even the team photo along the top is full of personality, but it feels natural, unlike many ‘About Us’ pages where each person holds a ‘quirky’ prop and forces a smile. I love how genuine it feels.”
These guys have clearly cottoned on to the importance of storytelling: their ‘About us’ page is all about drawing the reader into the Sage narrative, detailing exactly how the brand has metamorphosised from pub-based meetings in the UK’s North East in 1981 to 13,000 employees across 23 countries in 2017. Plus, any brand that boldly includes a pub reference in their web copy deserves a hearty round of applause and a raise of the proverbial pint glass.
The great thing about stats is that they paint a beautifully clear picture, something the Xero team demonstrates perfectly with this page. We can’t quite believe we’re saying this (stats in B2B are too often used as the hook for below-par content) but in this context they work well. Wowing your audience with your size, global reach and growth is a surefire way of impressing upon them the fact that your brand is highly successful and can be trusted. You’ll have them eating out of your hand in no time.
Smarter Digital Marketing
Sometimes it’s better not to focus on who you are, but how you do it. This agency does exactly that: by focusing on the methodology behind their work, they’re emphasising their expertise and underlining the fact they really mean business. Plus, what better way to differentiate yourselves than by turning the whole concept of the ‘About us’ page on its head? It’s a refreshing way to swing the spotlight back onto the customer and show that your focus is on them rather than you.