AI business IPsoft has hired Alistair Agnew as its CMO.
Agnew, pictured, was previously CMO at customer journey technology provider Qmatic.
“IPsoft is at the forefront of the AI revolution and I could not be more delighted to join the team as we educate businesses on the explosive potential that cognitive digital labour can have,” he said.
“When many are still concerned around the future of AI in society and, in particular, how that will affect the next generation workforce, it is a critical time for advanced-AI providers, like IPsoft, to demonstrate how we can support and augment the experience of employees in every industry to make their roles more productive and fulfilling. And that is a mission I gladly accept.”
IPsoft claims to be the world’s largest privately-held AI firm, and products include the AI ‘digital colleague’ Amelia.
A recent study by Microsoft of more than 1000 business leaders
found 51% of employees are not learning new skills to keep up with changes to their role
as a result of AI.
And a separate study by Everstring
found almost a third of marketers are not confident in their knowledge of AI
Demystifying artificial intelligence in B2B marketing
What does AI actually mean, particularly in the context of B2B marketing? This guide takes the mystery out of AI, explaining its specific meaning, what the term includes, and what its rise means for marketers now and in the future.