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B2B Marketing’s ABM opinion leaders

Who are the B2B Marketing’s top ABM opinion leaders? Download this free six-page list to find out who made the top 25!

How did we put this list together? Pulling lists such as these together is never an exact science, and inevitably requires a subjective judgement, but those included largely fall into two groups: 

  • ABM authorities or influencers: these are people who have some kind of position of authority in ABM, such as having written a book, trained significant numbers of marketers on the discipline, or spoken repeatedly at ABM events. These individuals are typically supplyside (i.e. agencies or vendors), but not exclusively. 
  • ABM expert practitioners: these are individuals working in the field with a strong delivery track record, with a significant social following and a focus on ABM. Typically these are client-side or inhouse marketers, although there is an overlap between the two groups. 

It’s worth acknowledging that this is a UK-centric list – that’s pragmatically because we are closest to the UK ABM community and better aware of the individuals who have most traction here. Despite this, there are some inclusions from outside the UK, and it’s likely that we’ll produce a US version in the near future. There are undoubtedly some people we’ve not included here that we could or should have done, and we’ll certainly be interested in any retrospective nominations so that we can improve this list for next year.

B2B Marketing’s ABM opinion leaders

Who are the B2B Marketing’s top ABM opinion leaders? Download this free six-page list to find out who made the top 25 in account-based marketing.

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