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Direct Line for Business campaign aims to ‘humanise’ business insurance for SMEs | B2B Marketing

Direct Line for Business has launched a new campaign targeting small and micro business owners.

The campaign – ‘Keeping up with your world’, which combines radio, social, print, PR and TV – follows Jenna, a small business owner growing and running her own business. It shows the variety of tasks and obligations small businesses need to deal with. Narration for the TV advert is provided by comedian Milton Jones.

Keeping up with your world – Direct Line for Business

The campaign supports the launch of Direct Line for Business’

new online insurance tool

, which has been designed to simplify the way SMEs buy insurance cover.

Claire Sadler, marketing director at Direct Line for Business, said: “Direct Line is inherently perceived as a consumer brand, despite having over 450,000 small business policy holders, so with the new creative we wanted to show we understand the joys and challenges of running a small business by bringing emotion and humour into our B2B communication. And in doing so, humanise business insurance and highlight that being a small business owner is personal experience and people need a personalised insurance product, not an off the shelf package.

Think Small: How to market to small businesses

In this marketing success pack, B2B Marketing and Earnest offer advice, opinion and first-hand experiences of targeting and engaging small businesses owners.

Learn how to target small business owners

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