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Five tips for choosing the right B2B telemarketing agency | B2B Marketing

How do you select the right B2B telemarketing agency? We asked ourselves this question and here’s the top 5 items we would consider…

1. Choose an outbound B2B specialist

It seems obvious but there are many telemarketing companies that try to do both B2B and B2C. There’s a world of difference between the two disciplines and you need to choose a specialist. In addition, the skills required for outbound calls are very different to those required for inbound order taking or customer care.

2. Don’t use a script

Our experience is that scripts don’t work, especially in the B2B environment. The call needs to have a natural flow and deal with objections logically. A script cannot anticipate all possible outcomes.

SCi Sales Group always conducts a workshop with its clients prior to a campaign going live and key messages are established which act as anchor points for the conversation. And it is a conversation; a dialogue between two business people about a subject that can benefit the target audience.

3. Don’t use casual, part-time or student callers

Some telemarketing companies use casual labour, part-time workers or students to make your important business calls – some even use people working at home or off-shore call centres.

Buyers beware: beside the obvious issues of the commercial awareness and maturity of students, you also have to consider the drive and enthusiasm of casual and part-time workers – and how that will be transferred over the phone.

Managing a telemarketing campaign needs to be hands-on, you need to be able to make improvements to the proposition and message as new information becomes available. That’s not easy to do with home-workers or offshore companies.

4. Interview them on the phone

You wouldn’t buy a car without taking it for a test drive, so test drive your B2B telemarketing agency. Interview them over the phone rather than inviting them to pitch with a fancy PowerPoint presentation and smart field sales executive.

You need to know if they are as good as they claim. If they cannot persuade you to choose them over the phone then maybe they will struggle trying to convince your target audience.

5. You can’t beat age and experience

Ask about the average age and business experience of the telemarketers that will be working on your campaign. People buy from people and a mature, experienced team will be able to deliver your message with confidence and clarity.

Ask to listen to some of the conversations they are having when you visit the company’s premises and decide if they have the right tone and ‘voice’ for your product or service.


Selecting the right telemarketing company for your campaign is vital – they will be representing you in one of the most personal forms of marketing communication. Get it wrong and the damage to your reputation and brand could be immense.

Our top 5 tips are just a few from a long list of items you need to consider before pushing the button. To discuss all the others please give Brendan O’Flaherty a call, without obligation, on 020 8846 3950.


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