The Get Stacked Innovation stream showed us what’s next in the future of martech, what actually isn’t going to help you, and when embracing the future incredible results can be achieved.
The four emerging content technologies in B2B: What you need to know
Not so long ago, video seemed like a shiny new thing in B2B. Now it’s in everybody’s toolkit. Over the next 5 years, we will see the same shift with immersive and interactive content. So, there’s an opportunity.
Jonathan Sedger, head of content,
Intent data: The ugly truth
We live in a world where access to data is more-or-less unfettered. We live in a world where every week we are being told that if we are not supplementing our campaigns with the latest piece of technology we are failing as leaders of our industry. Are we though?
Matt Garisch, head of customer engagement, The Crocodile
How to buy martech: A vendor’s guide
Buying MarTech can be tricky business thanks to the dizzying array of products on the market. It’s all too easy to end up with things that don’t get adopted, don’t solve your problems and don’t deliver value. Avoid these headaches by joining Nick Mason from Turtl.
Available soon
Nick Mason, CEO and founder, Turtl
Marketing leading from the front to drive 100% revenue growth over two years at the Access Group
Marketing leading from the front to drive 100% revenue growth over 2 years at the Access Group. Scaling from £100 million to a £200 million UK focused business with Marketing transformation at the heart of the growth.
Chris Marjara, CMO, Access Group