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Labelling for Dummies? | B2B Marketing

Labelling or sub-branding is something we come back to time and again in my business.  B2B marketing in a company that has such a dominant B2C brand can be a difficult task – particularly when trying to get cut through and show relevance to concerns that are particular to B2B audiences.


There are many ways of doing this.  Some brands choose to differentiate visually between their B2B and B2C communications.  Some have the same branding for both and others choose labelling, or sub branding – even going as far as creating a whole new brand for businesses.  But is all this necessary? 

Are we underestimating the intelligence of the B2B community to be able to decipher whether a proposition is for them or for a consumer?


We try to simplify things by putting business in our logo – so our customers and prospects can see straight away

‘This is for me’  

We probably make life easier for our agencies so that they don’t have to keep putting the word ‘business’ in headlines and copy, but do B2B customers really care?  Our own research shows that they do.  76% of large businesses polled said that they thought that

they got more value from being a customer of a company that was solely dedicated to businesses.  

Labelling is a way of demonstrating this in a very visual way.


What experiences have other marketers had – and is there a holy grail of B2C and B2B living together in harmony?

P.S. I always find it’s time to bring a blog to an end when Paul McCartney lyrics start making their way through an addled mind

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