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Let’s Get Graphic! | B2B Marketing

We’ve designed engaging visuals that represent statistics for food, beverages, insurance, gadgets and even moustache styles. It’s a good thing we love designing these informative pieces of art. You may be thinking what’s the point of including infographics into your marketing plan and whether it can really add value to you business. With global brands such as AXA, Costa Coffee and Dolmio embracing infographics, it’s sufficient to say that it’s worth investigating how

infographic design companies

can help promote your business and also figuring out why these famous brands are all jumping on the infographic bandwagon.

Information + Graphic Design = Infographics!

The title above says it all really. Infographics are quite simply information being displayed in an engaging and attractive way with the artistic support of graphic design. Infographics can cover any topic, as long as there is a sufficient amount of information surrounding the subject. Coffee vs. Tea, An Average Day on Facebook and The Psychology of Colour are all topics that have been made into infographics. Although these titles seem quite fun and amusing, infographics can also be produced to explain complex information. Check out the top 5 reasons below on how a simple infographic can quickly add value to your business.

1) Provide short bursts of information.

Time is one of our most valuable commodities. In this day and age, our society is constantly looking for ways to save time. We’ve developed into an impatient nation; we’re not happy if we have to wait an extra 5 minutes for our coffee to go, or even a minor 2 minutes for the next tube.  We skim read content across newspapers and articles and try to cram in all the information. This can lead us to misinterpreting stories or forgetting the fine details of an article. Infographics satisfy our desire to skim read, as they provide short bursts of information that our minds can digest quickly

2) They are visual treats!

A lengthy chunk of text is not exactly visually appealing. Infographics can turn boring data into something artistic and eye-catching. Even if the subject is around something as boring as risk assessment, infographics can make this usual tedious subject into something engaging with the use of stunning graphics.

3) They make complex data easy to understand.

Infographics are not only attractive; they aim to make complicated information easily comprehensible by carefully structuring the layout of the content. There’s no confusion or no head scratching with infographics; that’s only if you partner with a reputable

infographic design agency


4) The viral element.

With the launch of Pinterest and Instagram and the introduction of Facebook’s Timeline, it’s clear that the internet is getting heavily imaged based. Well-designed, attractive infographics, created by

information design companies

, have the ability to go viral if enough people like them. Infographics can be pinned on Pinterest, ‘liked’ on Facebook and Retweeted on Twitter, which can boost brand awareness whilst educating viewers about your product or service.

5) I know what I’m talking about.

Infographics are a great way to show off how much you know about a subject. It’s a bit like Mastermind, but less boring… and more visual. Ok – maybe it’s nothing like Mastermind, but you get the drift. Infographics give you the opportunity to detail your expertise and demonstrate your knowledge of a particular industry.

No one finds text attractive; articulating your message with stunning visuals is a much better way of grabbing someone’s attention and sustaining their interest. 90% of information that enters the brain is visual, (a fact which I remembered from an infographic funnily enough) maybe this is why global brands are starting to partner with

infographic design companies


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