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Let’s get personal

We all know the importance of emotional, personal content. But that’s just the beginning. To deliver a truly successful message and create a stand-out campaign, you need to get to grips with your DMU. 

As Strategy Director at Really B2B I have the fun job of being on top of what’s new and exciting in the B2B space and using these latest innovations to form strategies that help our clients grow.

At Ignite, I’m going to give you a whistle stop guide to making a messaging and content plan that your target market will actually want to read. Of course, there will be plenty of time for a Q&A as well.

Getting to know your personas is key 

I just watched a video on the latest Samsung washing machine, it genuinely excited me – I’m aware that’s in part because I’m a bit of a nerd, but mainly because I’m buying a washing machine and am feeling overwhelmed by the options. That content hit my need spot on, it wouldn’t have done yesterday and would be too late tomorrow. Knowing where your audience is and what their needs are is essential. If you spray and pray, they will unsubscribe early doors.

Getting to know your audience and tap into this emotional level is crucial. But that doesn’t mean it always happens. Analysis paralysis is one of the biggest barriers in research i.e getting lost in the detail. Essentially, it’s about establishing a clear objective and holding true to that. What is the need of the target market, how does it differ from one DMU to another and how does it change through the buying journey. As soon as you’ve got a hypothesis, get it down and test against that.

At Really B2B we have developed our approach over the last 14 years. If you come along to the session, I’ll talk you through how we find this information and how you can incorporate these strategies.

Ignite is the place to be to stay ahead of the curve

Cheesy as it sounds, at Really B2B we’re passionate about helping businesses grow. So our session is aimed at doing just that. 

Be you a content writer, a marketing strategist or a business development manager this session will give you some top tips that will make you think twice about the time and resource you are putting into your content.

For someone like me, Ignite is a great event. It’s fantastic to see all the new strategies and technologies in one place as well as meeting the people that are driving the industry forward. It’s a good recipe when you put a lot of passionate business leaders in one place.

I’m particularly keen to catch

Toni’s from Account Insights session

. We have worked with Account Insight and I’m utterly convinced their technology will change the way we run digital advertising.

Ignite’s worth it. While going to an event may feel like a big time commitment, some of the concepts being discussed could end up saving you significantly more time and money in the future.

Want to learn more about transforming your marketing?

Attend Ignite London, the UK’s leading hybrid conference on all things B2B on 6 July. With six streams laser-focused on solving your challenges, there’s something for the entire team. You’ll leave with actionable insight from the best in business to re-ignite your marketing the next day!

Sign me up!

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