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Mastering ABM: Lessons learned from several masters of ABM | B2B Marketing

Mastering ABM: Lessons learned from several masters of ABM

ABM has been around for a while now, but ABM mastery is very rarely achieved. In a recent Propolis Hive report, we spoke to several true masters of ABM, ranging from the head of global ABM at Fujitsu, through to the head of industry and account-based marketing at Capita, to understand how they set up their ABM team, what their budget looks like, if they have executive support, how they measure success, and more.

This report is a ‘highlights’ version of that report, and will help you to:

  • Understand how to set up your ABM programmes for success.
  • How to strike the balance between ABM technology and ABM strategy.
  • Establish just how mature your organisation’s growth marketing strategy is.



Members of Propolis – our exclusive community for B2B marketers to share insights, learn from industry-leading experts, and access our best content – get access to an even richer version of this report, which includes: 


  • Robert Norum, Propolis Hive expert for Growth, provides his must-follow checklist for any aspiring ABMer.
  • Peter O’Neill, the lead analyst of this report, offers his recommendations – the next steps you should be taking to reach ABM nirvana.
  • The critical success factors and inhibitors for ABM.
  • The top five ABM vendors you need to be looking at seriously.
  • Tonnes more insight from our lead analyst and report interviewees.


“The most highly-measured and results-driven aspect of marketing, demand generation, is the programme that never sleeps. But how do you gain important cut-through when response rates are becoming increasingly hard to predict and your sales teams have a never-ending appetite for new leads? The emergence of ABM has been seen as the saviour for many – a shift from short-term tactical programmes to longer-term engagement and relationships through a close partnership with sales.”

Robert Norum, Propolis expert for the Growth Hive


Propolis is the global body giving B2B marketers the clarity to solve real-world challenges.

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