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PA Group rebrands for a digital future

PA Group – the parent company of the Press Association – has rebranded itself and some of its sub-brands with the aim of targeting more digital and non-media customers.

PA Group will now be known as PA Media Group. Sub-brand Press Association will now be known as PA Media, while the other arms of the business will now be known as PA Images and PA Training.

The aesthetics of the businesses have also changed. All PA Media Group logos are honeycomb shapes, sporting purple, turquoise, yellow or red to represent the group’s qualities of creativity, accuracy, immediacy and collaboration.

However not all sub-brands have been changed. The group has structured its PA-branded businesses to operate alongside the five specialist agencies it has acquired over the past few years. These agencies include EBS, Globelynx, Sticky Content, StreamAMG, and TNR.

Marc Koskela, head of marketing at PA Media Group said its new branding set the business up for the digital future.

“The clean design works well in a range of digital environments and better reflects the modern, dynamic business that we are,” he said. “It was important to retain a link to our heritage through the emphasis on ‘PA’. The hexagon also has a range of strong, design applications such as watermarks, picture collages, exhibition stands and much more.”

Rebrand contributes to PA Media’s digital transformation

The rebrand is just part of the PA Media Group’s long term

digital transformation strategy

. This will include the launch of a customisable newswire service called Create and an updated version of its news monitoring service called Mediapoint.

Marc Koskela, head of marketing at PA Media Group said its new branding set the business up for the digital future.

“The clean design works well in a range of digital environments and better reflects the modern, dynamic business that we are,” said Koskela. “It was important to retain a link to our heritage through the emphasis on ‘PA’. The hexagon also has a range of strong, design applications such as watermarks, picture collages, exhibition stands and much more.”

Clive Marshall, CEO at PA Media Group, said the new brand structure would accommodate organic growth within the organisation as well as new business acquisitions.

“Having a distinct umbrella brand enables us to better showcase the range of specialisms within the PA Media Group as we target a broader range of customers,” he said.

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