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Payment provider iZettle turns to pop art to boost awareness of products | B2B Marketing

iZettle has launched a series of videos highlighting how commerce products can help SMEs grow.

The video – set in the pop art-themed called ‘World of iZettle’ – aims to illustrate why business growth is top priority for merchants, and commerce tools such as e-receipts, payment readers and EPOS can enable this.

iZettle Reader — the smart way to take payments

iZettle aimed to optimise the digital space by using dynamic creatives that customised the ads served to each user based on customer insights. The campaign also made use of programmatic technology for online displays and banners.

iZettle for Hospitality — the modern, mobile point-of-sale

Edgar Rouwenhorst, marketing director at iZettle, said: “iZettle Reader put us on the map, but today we can help small businesses with everything from card payments and tracking sales, to invoicing and getting funding. This campaign highlights how we can support our merchants and much like iZettle, it is digital at heart with a lot of personality.”

iZettle Go — the perfect point-of-sale app

The campaign was created in collaboration with production company Unreel and will be running across TV, out-of-home, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

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