Online identity
It has never been so important to have a clean and user friendly website, so that once you have attracted clients, they will feel confident in navigating your online presence. Use free design services or a local freelancer to build exactly what your customers require.
Find a local networking group and make connections with local professionals in other lines of business; word of mouth is one of the most effective business strategies and can only help your business to thrive. Once you have achieved the groundswell, orders will pour in.
Have a businesslike logo
It may be tempting to use a humorous or artistic logo but studies have proven that consumers consider simple logos more trustworthy. Industry leaders use simple but memorable logos to project a professional and respected corporate identity.
Make potential customers notice your brand
promotional sticker printing at
. This is a great way to engage with your customer base on both active and subliminal levels. Use strategic stickering to keep your brand one step ahead of the rivals and at the forefront of potential customers’ minds
Search engine optimization
SEO is big business these days so ensure that your web content covers all the bases. Whiteout text is still popular and will catch the google bot’s attention without distracting human eyes from your core message. Spinning is best avoided since the search engines have altered their algorithms: it now generates negative weighting.
Brand loyalty
Consider offering a token discount or rewards scheme to regular customers. Although it will shave a fraction of your bottom line, the repeat business will increase orders and strengthen the integrity of your brand.
Focus on what is profitable
It may seem obvious but every business has areas which are more viable than others; by cutting out the chaff, your resources can be channeled in a more cost effective way which will soon show on the balance sheet.
Understand customer demographics
Whether your business is BtoC or BtoB, recognizing the demographic is essential to streamlining your marketing strategy. Analyze your customer base and tailor your offer to their needs and desires; if they are using your products and services, other similar customers would do too.
Integrate with the local community
Whether it is sponsoring a prize at the school fete or taking a small classified ad in the local newspaper, by engaging directly with your neighborhood, the business profile will skyrocket. Marketing studies show that customers have more trust in companies they perceive to be socially integrated.
“Keep up the good work”
Just like you, clients and suppliers like to get a pat on the back to feel appreciated. So tell them. You’ll be astonished how much positivity and goodwill can be generated simply by signing off your emails with “Keep up the good work”.