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This is How to Write an Effective B2B Email Marketing Plan | B2B Marketing

Eva Creerson, content marketing manager at

Master Papers

, explains the steps to take when writing a successful B2B email marketing plan.

You’re ready to embark on a journey of email communications with your newsletter subscribers, and it’s time to start creating a strategy that generates conversions. If you do this right, you will meet your goals and be able to say your plan was successful. This article will explain exactly what to do to come up with a B2B email marketing plan that works.

What Businesses are You Targeting and What Do They Want?

The first thing you need to understand is your audience. What challenges are your target market facing, and how can your business help them with solutions? Find out what they want and give it to them. Keep in mind all aspects of the email marketing experience when doing your research, and find everything you need to know about email subject lines, language, what types of content to use in your marketing, the calls to action that are most likely to lead to conversions.For example, if you have a window cleaning company that offers services to corporate buildings in a city where mutated, alien moths are flying into windows, leaving splotches of sticky guts all over the storefronts, let your customers know about your amazing solvent that washes the ick off with ease. Include something about the moth problem in the first 30 or so characters of your subject line, discuss the solution to the disgusting issue in your message content, and give specific instructions how to get a cleaning crew out to a reader’s building asap.

Creating Measurable, Attainable Goals for Success

One of the stipulations of B2B email marketing campaign success is that you have met your goals. If you set measurable goals, you can easily gauge success. For example, “to increase sales,” isn’t an appropriate email marketing campaign goal. On the contrary, “to see a 20% increase in product sales in X department between May 3 and may 31,” is more appropriate. It’s easy to see the difference.In order to create reachable goals, you must answer what you want, when you want it by, in quantifiable terms. Are you interested in lead generation, sales, brand awareness, or something else? Dates, dollars, and percentages are keys here. Once you have goals set, you can move on to subsequent parts of your campaign planning.

Planning in Advance Will Pay Off

You are going to want to write out a detailed within time to share it with the entire team that will be working on the implementation. If you try to jump into the implementation before everyone has a thorough understanding of the concepts within, you’re going to run into trouble.Include these tips to optimize your strategy:

  • Start Meaningful Conversations
  • Move Beyond Click Through Rates
  • Segment Your Prospects
  • Customize Messages
  • Combine Various Tactics and Styles
  • Test Campaigns
  • Check in With Prospects

Many times, leaders get excited about a new product or service and want to push to promote it prematurely. This can lead to disaster when you find out that you didn’t do all you could to optimize the campaign. You never want to leave out a time-saving opportunity to automate or an obvious sales message. Taking time out to re-read and get feedback from everyone else on the project can provide inestimable benefits.

Include Time for Analysis and Revisions in Your Plan

One aspect of email marketing planning that is easy to leave out is analysis and revisions. You will want to write in a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly analysis of your tactics and leave room for improvement. If you’re seeing the conversions you anticipated and reaching your goals, leave the plan alone. But, when something isn’t working, you can always improve it.If you fall short of your goals, you need to first find out why a certain tactic isn’t working and make changes to remedy the issue. You may see that your messages have a low CTR. In this case, you should take a look at your subject lines. If you’re noticing a high bounce rate, you will have to spend some time optimizing your message content. Plan time for making campaign assessments, and write it into your strategy.

In Conclusion

The first step in creating successful B2B email marketing campaigns is researching your target market. Next, set measurable goals for your efforts. Remember to plan your campaigns well before you plan on implementing them. Never leave out the analysis and revision phase in your plan. Following this guide will improve the effectiveness of your next campaign, so start implementing the advice today.

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