Are B2B buyers buying into social media? Stop guessing and get the facts…

It’s a painfully repetitive question. And we don’t need social media gurus, online thought leaders or Klout-accredited opinion peddlers to tell us what they think.

We’d rather hear it directly from the B2B buyers themselves.

So in this year’s Buyersphere research, we asked 500 B2B buyers what they actually did online during the buying process for a recent, significant (over £20,000) business purchase. We asked

  • Which social media channels they used most often
  • Which of those social media channels they actually found useful
  • How their use of social media in general compares to their use of it for this specific buying process.

The research won’t tell you how to plan your social media strategy. But it does guarantee to give you direct insight into buyer behaviour – which should me more useful than yet another subjectively spurious whitepaper.

Get free insight now by downloading our free mini-report, Social Media: Are B2B Buyers Really Using It?

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