Are marketers becoming more data driven?

Data Best Practice GuideWhen I first commissioned our Data Best Practice Guide I didn’t expect it to be as popular as our social media-related reports. However, my presumptions were totally wrong and I was pleasantly surprised when checking the download stats for the report to see that downloads were almost treble the average number.

And with the increasing volume of data and channels marketers have to manage, it seems this critical marketing element is still a struggle for most.

For data-driven marketers the growing number of social channels is an opportunity, not a hindrance – allowing them to gather more data than ever before. But the biggest obstacle in having a monster database is slicing and dicing the data to fully maximise specific targeting.

Getting to grips with vast volumes of data makes the job of finding meaningful insights ever more challenging. Simon McEvoy, planning director at Tangent Snowball (and contributor to our Data Best Practice Guide) suggests drafting a series of top line objectives you would like to achieve through social, then perform an audit to get a clear picture of where your business is in relation to those objectives.

Relating your data to how your prospects behave in an online environment could open up many interesting insights, providing you can invest continual resource in social data.

You can download the key findings here.

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