B2B Awards 2013 – Help us choose the categories

It’s the end of March so that must mean it’s make-your-mind-up time for B2B Awards categories for 2013. Even though awards night itself is some way away in November (it feels like we’ve only just wrapped up 2012) the programme launches in April, and so we need to get all new ideas and innovations included now, or they will miss another year.

Besides the creative work and theming (which we’ve already got sorted thanks to our friends at the Think Tank, and is looking set to be a lot of fun this year) the key thing we need to decide on are the categories. These are crucial as they define the terms of what we’re actually rewarding and recognising. We always do an audit, based on who entered what, but would greatly value your perspective – what areas are we missing? What new areas could we include?

Here are some ideas that I’ve discussed with Peter Young, chairman of the judging panel:
Best thought leadership programme – this seems to fit in with the existing programmes around branding and lead gen/nurturing.
Best customer service programme – again, something which we’ve missed, and reflecting the potential feedback from social media
Best use of media – reflecting the role that publishers are playing in creating and partnering on content creation and delivery
Best influencer campaign – we already cover marketing to SMEs and corporate decision makers – what about targeting the influencers?
• Vendor or supplier of the year – recognising the role that vendors play in helping marketers achieve their objectives.
Marketing team of the year? We already have marketer of the year, but as we know, most marketing is a team effort, so should we recognise that?
B2B brand of the year? A great award, but tough to choose, and might open up a can of worms for the judges.

I’d value your thoughts on these suggestions, and any others that you can think of. All alternative suggestions welcome and gratefully received. It’s vital that these awards reflect the industry itself, and the activity that takes place within it. So your buy-in is very important. Thanks in advance for your help.

PS: 2012 categories were:
1. Best integrated campaign
2. Best use of direct mail
3. Best live event marketing
4. Best public relations campaign
5. Best use of creative
6. Best use of digital techniques or technologies
7. Best use of social media
8. Best use of content marketing
9. Best website
10. Best use of customer insight
11. Best limited budget campaign
12. Most commercially successful campaign
13. Best channel marketing initiative
14. Best SME-targeted campaign
15. Best corporate decision maker campaign
16. Best international audience campaign
17. Best internal audience campaign
18. Best brand initiative
19. Best product launch campaign
20. Best lead generation campaign
21. Best lead nurturing campaign
22. B2B marketer of year
23. B2B PR agency of the year
24. B2B marketing communications agency of the year
25. Grand Prix – Campaign of the Year

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