Spring. A time for new optimism, sweeping away the winter blues and really getting into the swing of your plans for 2013. Or, if you start the new financial year in April, a daily grind of meetings, budget reviews and endless justification that your chosen profession can and does deliver value to the organisation.
Don’t let it get you down. If you’re being peppered with questions from every side and need to bring something new to the next meeting to answer the critics, then download The Evidence now. Nine of the toughest questions stakeholders want answered, with a jargon-free response and a compelling set of proof points drawn from the 2012 B2B Marketing Award finalists. Take a look, it might just save your budget from that last round of revisions before the new year starts. It might even be the inspiration you need to enter the 2013 Awards – coming soon.
If you don’t have time to read the full report, here are the headlines: