B2B businesses are missing out on the advantages of SMS

Yet, B2B businesses are missing out on the advantages of SMS marketing and the kind of powerful customer connection it can provide them.

Simply put, no other B2B marketing medium has the kind of reach and acceptance of SMS messages. Consider how easy it is for email marketing to be trapped by spam filters or completely ignored and deleted from over-stuffed inboxes. SMS marketing does not suffer from this indifference because most people treat their mobile phones with more respect than their spouses, carrying their phones absolutely everywhere with them, 24 hours a day.

Over 95% of SMS messages are read by the recipient, and usually in the first 15 minutes after receiving the message!

When a customer gives you their mobile number, they are giving you an invitation into their private life – whether they are using a business phone or their own.

Use SMS tools to manage your campaigns

Using the tools that the bulk SMS providers offer, it is easy to create, personalize and manage an SMS list, just as you manage your email list. These tools usually offer an API as well to make it even easier to hook your SMS data into your marketing database, to further enhance your insights and track response.

These tools allow you to gather and manage your database of mobile numbers, create SMS campaigns, set up trigger messages, and manage unsubscribes.

Focus on service to get the best results

SMS marketing is the best way to push our time-sensitive product information, delivery confirmations, and service-related messages to an eager audience.

The most popular type of SMS marketing message is the service message. Sending out reminders or appointment times, directions, delivery schedules, order confirmations and stock level updates are just a few of the service-type SMS messages that B2B customers love to receive.

Go branded

Just as you do today with email, your SMS messages can appear with your name or identity of your choosing. Instead of just appearing with your response number, you can use a custom Sender ID to get instant recognition of you brand when you send a text message. Using an option like a custom Sender ID is perfect for messages that don’t require a reply.

B2B SMS marketing is the quickest way for B2B marketers to reach out to customers and the universal acceptance of SMS means that, unlike mobile apps and websites, your message will reach your customer’s mobile phone, no matter where they are in the world today.

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