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B2B insights

How B2B Marketers Can Build a Business Brand | B2B Marketing

It goes without saying that the pandemic has transformed marketing to new, digital heights. But it’s not all roses.

Digital media has shortened engagement time and increased accountability, leading to an unbalanced reliance on lower-funnel, performance-oriented tactics. The unrealistic demand for immediate leads was a problem compounded by the pandemic as the need for video and storytelling assets weren’t available to substitute in-person events and direct sales calls.

But all is not lost. At Ignite USA, I’ll teach you how to break the cost per lead addiction in favour of integrating brand and performance marketing. You’ll discover ways to make all media B2B by using B2B data and understand ways to deliver targeted brand building messages without the use of third-party cookies.

Brand building is a weakness for B2B marketing because it is hard to justify the investment, hard to execute and hard to measure. This session addresses these challenges and empowers attendees with knowledge and resources to build a successful B2B brand building campaign.

Ignite USA – getting ahead of the curve on B2B marketing best practices

Ignite USA 2021 was, unsurprisingly, virtual. I enjoyed the virtual platform and met as many new people as I would at a live event – maybe more! I also enjoyed the dialog between speakers and moderators. The questions James Soto had for me after my talk were not rehearsed and I’m sure provided more value than my keynote.

That being said, I am excited for the return to in-person events. I like to think of my biggest B2B marketing challenge and ask each sponsor how they would address it. I’m looking forward to doing that this year.

Marketing conferences have been a springboard for my career. Ignite USA is sure to be an event that will pay dividends.

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