B2B marketers can now Tweet with intent

Twitter has launched promoted Tweets keyword targeting in timeline, via ONE Media Manager’s Twitter API edition. This will assist clients who want to sell products, services and apps on Twitter.

Previously advertisers could only target ‘intent’ with search ads, this will now make it possible to place ads in a user’s Twitter stream when they reveal intent in a tweet.

For example, a tweet stating: “I’m so hungry”, would allow the user see a location based McDonalds’ ad. An: “I’m really tired” update could allow the tweeter to see a Starbucks voucher.

Furthermore, combining intent keywords with Twitter Cards could be powerful for retailers or brands that have mobile apps. For instance, a tweet admitting: “I’m really unfit” could trigger a Nike running app-install Twitter Card. Users could then jump straight to the App Store to install the app.

This could add a significant amount of complexity to managing Twitter campaigns, as there will be endless keywords combinations that can be used to identify intent.

Simon Mansell, CEO of TBG, the company behind ONE Media Manager explained how the product will help with in-stream targeting:

“The ‘Bundles’ feature in ONE allows users to group keyword targets and review the results later – so you can build your own database of intent-based keywords and compare the results across different campaigns.

“You don’t have to keep re-entering your keywords. We can then report on keyword bundle performance across all campaigns so that you can optimise performance globally. This makes tasks that would take hours or days possible in just a few clicks.”

Here’s a screenshot showing how the product will work:


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