B2B marketers struggle with customer engagement

B2B marketers are using video but have mixed feelings on the ease of customer engagement, according to a survey from PR firm Waggener Edstrom.

The survey revealed 82 per cent of marketers are using video with the majority (61 per cent) creating corporate videos. Around half of the respondents use it to extend their marketing campaigns (49 per cent) and for internal communications (43 per cent).

While a high percentage of marketers are using social media – LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube were used by 75, 71 and 61 per cent of respondents respectively – 44 per cent felt it was becoming more difficult to engage with customers. Principal barriers were felt to be the number and complexity of channels available.

Almost all marketers surveyed (92 per cent) cited online methods as an important way to share messages, with PR coming close behind with 81 per cent. Despite the already high figure, 85 per cent of marketers are looking to further increase their use of online over the next two years.

The survey of 72 B2B marketers with decision making responsibility took place between June 20 – 27 2012.

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