
B2B Marketing’s blogging guidelines

If you haven’t done so already, please fill in a 

Become a blogger

 form to get started. 

All submitted blog articles will be added to a moderation queue, where they’ll be reviewed by a member of our team to ensure they meet our community guidelines.

Due to the high number of uploads we receive,

we cannot individually provide bloggers with feedback

as to why their article hasn’t been published.

To be considered for the website, third-party content must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Be

    100% B2B

    focused, with actionable B2B examples where possible.

  2. Provide tangible

    value to the reader

    , either in the shape of practical, actionable advice, insight or inspiration

  3. Exclude any sales pitches

    or links to external sites promoting products or services

  4. Be

    original content, not published elsewhere

    online and unique to the B2B Marketing website

  5. Exclude generic, obvious advice

  6. Include wherever possible bullets and subheadings to help the reader skim-read and digest the key action points and takeaways

All bloggers submitting to this site automatically agree to the partnership agreement that B2B Marketing will host and promote their copy with two social posts per blog on both Twitter and LinkedIn (four in total). In return we require from the blogger at least one link from their site to ours (the blog or otherwise) and at least two social posts (in total). Should bloggers not confirm in this way, no future content from them will be hosted by B2B Marketing. 

1. Keep it B2B 

Because our target audience is 100% B2B, the primary focus of every blog must reflect this. Everything we publish has to resonate with our users, so all content must be applicable to people working in B2B.

B2B Marketing blogging guidelines

2. Limit self-promotion

We completely understand that you want to include your company in the blog, which is why your

name, title and company will appear at the top of every published piece. However, pieces including

claims such as “our brand will help you achieve this” will not be accepted. Instead please focus on what B2B brands should be doing to achieve success. 

B2B Marketing blogging guidelines

3. Limit the use of external links

Unless an external link is absolutely vital for a reader to understand your article (for example a piece of research you are referring to), please don’t include it in your blog.

B2B Marketing blogging guidelines

4. Keep it original and interesting

We want all our content to teach the reader something new and/or useful and offer insight that isn’t easily available elsewhere. Therefore, please keep your blog ideas fresh and engaging and avoid generic advice.

All content submitted must be original and unique to the B2B Marketing website.

Channel Marketing

5. Write in English

As the majority of our audience is either English-speaking or native English-speaking, please write your blogs in clear, understandable English. In order to maintain the high-quality of our blogging platform, all posts must be of standard of written English that meet our own editorial criteria.

B2B Marketing Blogging guidelines

6. Media

Images/infographics/gifs/videos are absolutely vital for a reader to understand your article. Although you can only upload one image in the blog template please email any additional images you want to include in your blog to

[email protected]

Please make sure any images used are either original or eligible for commercial use under a Creative

Commons license. Please include a source link to any third-party images uploaded to the site. You

can do this in the caption field. Images of unclear origin or that violate copyright law will be removed

prior to publication.

Please note, the majority of headline images will be replaced by one that matches our branding style. In addition, numerous other edits will be made in order to meet our house branding.

Many thanks and happy blogging!

The B2B Marketing team

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