B2B Marketing’s top five

Hasn’t this month flown by? We’ve undergone an epic heatwave, a few thunderstorms and now we’re back to dreary showers. Seeing it is the last day of the month I thought it was only right to recap the five top topics on B2B marketers this July.

The shortlist has been announced – and if you find yourself on the list congratulations! Plus tickets for the ceremony (the largest gathering of B2B marketers in Europe) are now on sale. These are sold on a first-come-first-served basis so you better be quick!

2. Email
Email has been the hot topic in the B2B Marketing blogs this month. Our assistant editor, Gemma Huckle began the debate with post questioning: ‘Is social going to kill off email?’, while our head of content, Alex Aspinall outlined ‘How not to: Do email marketing’ in five easy steps. 

However, what really got you talking was the question: ‘Is email dead’. This blog, by Gareth Case, Director of Marketing at Xchanging, spiked a huge debate in the comments and on our social channels. Let us know what you think? Is email broadcasting going to become a thing of the past?

3. Summer reading
Can’t find a great business book? Well, we’re here to help. Our cover story this month reviews the top ten B2B marketing books for the summer, and also includes some handy ‘How to guides’ by the authors. Or have you read a great marketing book that you’d love to review? Then get in touch.  

4. Sales Enablement
Sales and enablement are the two new words in town causing confusion for B2B marketers. What is it? How do you achieve it? Should you even be worried about it? Our deputy editor, Maxine Marshall went on a journey to find out. Plus, discover how sales enablement works in practice with this great Fujitsu case study.

Meanwhile, the topic also has made headway in our forum as Steve Kemish, MD at Cyance, offered his top tips for sales and marketing alignment, arguing: To succeed in B2B your sales and marketing departments need to team up. They need to be working towards the same goals and understand their part in achieving them.

5. Social stats
We are all obsessed with social media. Social facts, infographics and research seem to be never ending, but always of interest. This month’s top news stories unveiled some interesting social statistics: 77% of B2B buyers more likely to buy from a company whose CEO uses social + For the first time in five years, the perceived importance of social media tools is at a standstill.


That’s all for this month – let us know if there’s anything we’ve missed in the comments!

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