Through social media websites, students can share their documents like any academic tasks with their peer students to gain knowledge or submit their tasks easily.
We live in a social world, and this world should be reflected by the schools. Schools and teachers need to educate their learners how to be effectual collaborators in that world, how to communicate with others, and how to be involved and informed the modern-day people. Teachers need to teach learners the influential approaches through which the way they look at education can be transformed by networking, not only their social lives. It is a fact that social-networking technology has the incredible power when comes to be used for educational benefit, and this is called the academic networking.
There is a variety of factors why schools and teachers need to critically think about the most effective and influential policy related to integrate social networking into the classroom setting. Behold the following brief that summarises basic reasons:
- Social Media is not disappearing
When children use social media sites they learn better
Safe and Secure Social Media Tools are accessible anytime and for free
Replace Online procrastination with comprehensive social education
Social Media promotes collaboration rather than cliques
There are plentiful positive benefits and effects of using social media networking websites, especially when it comes to in education. There are many studies related to using social media by students, those who are already involving in this medium could take advantage form integrating it into their course.
Behold the following ways students take advantages from using social networking:
- They build up the modern-day skills and expertise needed for a bright career following school life
- They develop and maintain a positive attitudinal and behavioural approach towards the use of state-of-the-art technology not only in their academic life but in their normal life as well
- They also allow students to quickly share their academic tasks
- They allow them stay informed regarding the news of their schools
- They gives students an immediate access to their classroom updates
- Using social media sites teach kids responsibility
- They creates engagement which assists children learn better
- They promoted group effort for students
- They develop communicative skills along with social rapports
- They assist students in developing their critical way of thinking, skill of problem solving, team work, and global participation
Not only students take advantage of using social networking, but use of these sites also provides teachers with new and innovative opportunities for communication. Behold the following benefits of using social networking for teachers and educators:
- Using social networking provides teachers and educators with their own ‘voice’
- These websites promotes collaboration and team work in managing common problematic issues that teachers face in their everyday school work
- They allow for exchanging of content or document along with best practice in a more sociable environment
- Teachers are exposed with the possibilities by these sites offered by web 2.0 technologies
- They assist them in developing a comprehensive policy of life-long learning
- They offers them an immense space for sharing their knowledge, skills, experiences, researching and improving or expanding knowledge
- Social networking sites, from a cultural point of view, can be a powerful tool for global harmony and inter-cultural comprehending through engaging in the cross-cultural discussion
- They also assist teachers and educators stay engaged in education to help students.
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Students can not only get academic assistance but can also receive valuable education consultancy from her. Usually she give consultancy as a individual level but currently she connected with a firm of UK Writing Hep | academic services to provide more relevant and authentic information to the students.