Best in class

This time last week I was nursing my annual awards hangover – yes, I was suffering for my one-night of dancing, drinking and high-heel wearing pleasures.

If you’ve never experienced the glitz and glamour of the B2B Marketing Awards, let me enlighten you. There’s dancers, dodgems, a photobooth full of fun props and a celebrity presenter – all of which are followed by a rather messy aftershow party.


Over the past eight years, the awards has firmly established its place on the map as the premier event in B2B marketing, celebrating the marketing successes of large and small brands. Each year, we receive a series of high-quality award entries, and in 2012 not only was the caliber outstanding, but entry submission numbers reached the highest ever. 

In previous years we’ve published the award case studies in our dedicated supplement and on our website, but this year we’ve decided to up the ante by turning entries into a new project that aims to answer marketers’ questions with evidence of successful tactics adopted by award-winning brands.

The Evidence, produced in collaboration with Peter Young (chairman of the B2B Marketing Awards 2012) and Decision Point, will act as a reference source for B2B marketers to utilise to engage stakeholders about the value of marketing when planning or building campaigns. Available early next year, the report highlights proof of the best marketing successes from the 2012 shortlisted award entries. It shares what’s been achieved so B2B marketing community can build on these successes. Congratulations to this year’s winners, I hope this document will support investment in marketing and subsequently produce even more first-rate entries in 2013.

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