Brands becoming publishers

Are brands becoming publishers? This was just one of the hot topics to surface at today’s AOP (the Association of Online Publishers) B2B Media & Marketing Conference, held at St. Paul’s in London.

A keynote panel featuring speakers from Microsoft, Siemens, HSBC and Caterpillar, discussed their personal approaches to content creation.

Siemens’ director of digital marketing, Stefan Heeke said the company is trying to evolve as a publisher and has already taken the step to hire two journalists from German nationals, and further added that journalists are “best placed” to deliver thought leadership over marketers who are too product-focused.

Richard Robinson, director of B2B markets at Google said journalists expertise carries a lot of weight, “The trusted nature of publisher content plays a role in the buying process – publishers’ content has real value.”

The importance of digital content was also highlighted by conference chairman and VP & lead analyst for Outsell Chuck Richard, who told delegates that small firms consider creating content for their own sites as the top marketing service investment for B2B.

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