Business leaders reveal their most hated buzzwords image

Business leaders reveal their most hated buzzwords

‘Thinking outside the box’ and ‘on the same page’ are two of the most hated workplace phrases among business bosses, according to a poll from theEword.

Surveying over 1000 business owners and professionals, the poll asked respondents to list their most resented phrases in the office.

The top ten most despised business buzzwords were:

  1. Think outside the box
  2. On the same page
  3. Low-hanging fruit
  4. Synergy
  5. A window in my diary
  6. Reaching out
  7. Starter for 10
  8. Close of play
  9. Moving forward
  10. Can I just pick your brain?

Daniel Nolan, MD of theEword, said: “Despite top businesses doing brilliant, innovative work in their fields, many of them are still clinging on to these tired, unnecessary phrases – and some are even creating bizarre new ones. My personal favourite – or should I say least favourite – is ‘let’s take this offline’. It seems to have become particularly trendy lately but it just makes my toes curl.

“You really don’t need to succumb to nuisance jargon to succeed in business; it is enough to just use clear, simple, transparent language. The sooner people realise that, they’re likely to be less distracted, more productive and not drive people mad in the process.”

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