Backup Technology

Backup Technology specialises in the provision of secure automated online backup and disaster recovery services to businesses and SMEs. It has considerable expertise in performing disaster recovery on individual servers and entire networks to ensure that customers have complete business continuity. The company protects more than 550 terabytes of data, comprising of more than two billion files and offers worldwide support for all customers and data types from 10GB to 100TB.

Why invest in a campaign?
The objective of the campaign was to recuit new customers by communicating with IT managers, IT Directors and CIOs from medium to large enterprises in order to increase the number of Backup Technology’s customers and ultimately its revenue. It aimed to raise Backup Technology’s profile, alert prospective customers to the importance of backup and recovery strategies for their data, and position Backup Technology as being the organisation to contact to help them achieve this.

Backup Technology has always concentrated on using Google Adwords for its marketing. Firstly, the Internet is the primary source of information for IT managers, IT Directors and CIOs, due to the nature of their roles. Secondly, as a start-up company Backup Technology lacked the budget for expensive campaigns and using Google Adwords gave the company the flexibility to invest as much money as was available. As return on investment became apparent, spend was increased.

Why Adwords?
Adwords are advertisements linked to keywords that appear next to the search result when people use one of your keywords in a Google search. Adwords are free to create; advertisers only pay Google when a potential customer clicks on the ad to be connected to the advertisers’ webpage.

Adwords were important to Backup Technology because the name of the company is itself a very generic term, bringing in more that 5.3 million returns in a Google search.  To avoid being lost in the masses of listings, it was imperative that the company came first in any search list. To do this, the Adwords needed to be highly targeted and up to date.

The list of keywords selected by Backup Technology ran into the thousands. In order to target specific sectors of potential customers, the company divided these keywords into 30 different campaigns, which run simultaneously. Each campaign addressed a specific group of target customers.

Adding analytics to the mix
Backup Technology also chose to use Google analytics to monitor those visitors brought to the site via a Google search, but who then didn’t contact the company. The analytics allow it to view the company from which the visitor is making the search, the city in which it is based and the pages the visitor viewed. The sales team is then able to follow up with the IT department.

Such proactivity has been noted by many new customers as a key factor in leading them to choose Backup Technology over competitors, indicating the level of personal service that they could come to expect once signed up as customers.

The whole of Backup Technology’s marketing strategy has relied on the expert use of Google Adwords, with its web site generating all leads for customers, resellers and partners. To date the marketing activity has allowed the company to grow exponentially from its start up in September 2005 and has achieved growth of 468 per cent over the last two years.

Backup Technology now has a substantial client portfolio of large and renowned companies, including various football clubs, several charities and high-status organisations such as the British Red Cross and the International Baccalaureate Organisation.

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