eBay turn to SCi Sales to boost eBay Motors Pro

The Client
eBay is the world’s leading online auction site. The addition of eBay Motors Pro puts dealer vehicles in front of over three million potential buyers every month – in a matter of minutes. According to Hitwise, the site is number one, based on market share of online automotive classified adverts.

The Campaign
The motor trade has traditionally used newspaper classified adverts to drive footfall to their showrooms. eBay has taken this format and applied it online.

eBay Motors Pro was launched using a mixture of direct mail, eBay sales resource and an external telemarketing agency. However it soon became clear the proposition was not reaching its full potential.

After consultation with the client, it was agreed the best plan was to use a mix of inside and outside sales, both of which would be provided by SCi Sales Group.

• Inside sales: SCi Sales assigned a dedicated team to call the principal or marketing manager of every car dealer in the UK. They introduced the proposition and explained how eBay Motors

Pro could help expand their reach.

The team also registered the qualified targets for a free trial and conducted further consultation calls to gauge their experience of using the site and offer further support.

Towards the end of the trial period dealers were contacted again and moved to the next stage; a contract with eBay Motors Pro and monthly payment for the service.

• Outside sales: The motor trade in the UK ranges from single-site, independent dealers to large groups with several hundred showrooms. For larger dealers and groups outside sales teams were deployed, consisting of field sales representatives and account managers.

The Results
In the first 11 months of the engagement with eBay Motors Pro this work has been instrumental in helping double base of registered dealers. The conversion rate of trial registered users has increased by 10%.
“We hired SCi Sales and set them some tough targets which they exceeded. The team is honest and they work for our business as if it’s their own – we re-hired them.”

Angus McCarey, director of business development, eBay Motors Pro

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