Rockwool is the UK’s leading manufacturer of mineral wool insulation for fire, thermal and acoustic protection. Its stone wool insulation is made from volcanic rock, does not burn, rot, absorb moisture or odours, and is able to withstand temperatures of more than 1,000 degrees centigrade.
Competing brands were making bogus and unsubstantiated claims about the fire safety of their own products, which raised questions over public health. Rockwool needed to prove that its own product performed better and safer than its competitors.
Playing with fire
The installation industry was using the term ‘fire safe’ to describe all insulation products, irrespective of whether they were combustible or not. Even those which did not burn were not necessarily stable in fire; some types melted in high or low temperatures, leaving a gap where the insulation once existed and forming no effective barrier to fire.
All products in the Rockwool range have been independently assessed for their particular use and are supported by third-party approval from accredited bodies such as the Loss Prevention Council and Lloyds Register of Shipping.
Plastic foam manufacturers dominate the insulation market and use the term “fire safe” liberally to describe their products. Under test plastic, foam melts and then burns aggressively. Not only are such claims misleading, they also pose a real hazard to public safety.
A live fire demonstration was staged at Wembley Arena just a few months after the stadium was officially opened. Over 100 industry delegates and 20 journalists attended the demonstration. The plastic foam burnt within minutes while Rockwool remained inert. The integrity of Rockwool’s product – and claim – spoke for itself.
Positive reports after the event effectively ensured that Rockwool dominated the trade media for over six months. One hundred and seventy three editorial items were published over the six month campaign, 128 pieces included a call to action, and the advertising value was equivalent to £200,304. The PR campaign raised awareness of new fire legislation, addressed misconceptions about the fire safety of different installation materials and positioned Rockwool as a responsible company, and the market leader in fireproof installation.
Hans Schroeder, managing director at Rockwool, say: “It was a very bold strategy but we’ve been delighted by the response and the level of press coverage achieved. The campaign has positioned Rockwool as the market leader for non-combustible installation solutions and, certainly within the trade press, we are the foremost authority on this issue. We have three more fire demonstrations planned.”