Chevrolet cut no corners when it launched its new Impala model. Working with inVNT, at an event for trade press and automotive business leaders, the new car was lifted eight stories into a penthouse of one of San Deigo’s residential buildings.
However, this was not just any residential apartment – designed by international architect Jonathan Segal and named Q after James Bond’s gadget producing partner – the building was chosen to refelect the 1970s inspired design.
Jerry Deeney, executive producer at inVNT, said: “The Chevrolet Impala is a timeless member of US automotive history thanks to its iconic American design. As such, it required a launch event that also earned a place in the industry’s heart. Our intention was to create an event which needed no explanation, an event that clearly celebrated Impala’s stunning exterior and interior design.
“To effectively achieve our goal, we placed the Impala inside an award winning penthouse. The uniqueness of finding an Impala in the living room of a 8th floor penthouse, overlooking San Diego might appear strange, but when a great design plays off of great designs, the story is told for you. The architecture of the Q building was a perfect fit, as was the staggering penthouse that sits atop it.”