The landing page is the place where a user ‘lands’ after clicking an advertiser’s ad. Advertisers who point users to high-quality, relevant landing pages build trust with a potential customer.
AdWords measures landing page quality. Landing pages with useful, informative content in relation to an advertiser’s keywords and ad text receive higher quality scores. In general, the landing page should:
- Allow users to easily find what the ad promises
- Openly share information about the business
- Clearly define what the business is or offers
Here are three tips to help give users a high-quality experience and build trust. An advertiser should:
1. Provide relevant and substantial content
- Landing pages should provide useful and accurate information about the product or service in the ad
- Unique page content and layout help users differentiate one site from others
2. Treat a user’s personal information responsibly.
Sites should:
- Provide as much access as possible to the site without requiring users to register
- Provide facts on how any personal information is gathered
- Explain how the advertiser uses, or will potentially use, personal information
- Give users options to limit the use of their personal information
3. Develop a site that’s easy to navigate
The key to turning visitors into customers is making it easy for them to find what they want. Therefore, a website should guide users from the landing page, through the transaction, to checkout.
Websites should:
- Provide an easy path for users to purchase a product in the ad
- Avoid obtrusive elements like pop-ups