Comedian Sara Pascoe on what she

Comedian Sara Pascoe on what she’s bringing to the B2B Awards 2016

Aside from the inspiring world of B2B, why did you decide to compere this year’s awards?
I’m secretly fascinated with the world of marketing and advertising… in the BBC show Twenty Twelve/W1A I play a brand creative called Coco Lomax and she’s so much fun… I mean crazy earnest about apps and social media and eyebrow trends, and that makes me very keen to come and look at you all in real life and see if you’re the same! I look forward to learning a lot about your industry… maybe I’ll even be able to market myself better afterwards eh?

What will you be most excited about on the night?
It’s always really lovely to see people’s happy faces when they’ve found out they’ve won. It’s great to be of a night celebrating people’s hard work and achievements; everyone in the room is a success story. 

What will you say to the winners?
“Never in doubt mate, no one else was even close!”

What will you say to the runners up?
I’ll whisper in their ear: “It was all a fix, it should have been you…”

What’s your advice for attendees on the night?
From personal experience, pace yourself drinks wise. Empty stomach, large glasses and work colleagues can lead to a hideous mix of TMI – “Oh great, now everyone at work knows about my bum tattoo”, over-honesty – “Oh great, I told my direct superior I think she takes too many mini-breaks” or sexy dancing (picture not included). 

What can attendees expect from you on the night?
I’m going to try my best to be friendly and upbeat. I look forward to meeting lots of new people. I will also try and write some jokes about marketing… if you want some?

What’s the best and worst thing about presenting at awards ceremonies?
I get very, very nervous about being dressed up, you know. I usually do my job all scruffy in darkly-lit rooms full of equally scruffy people, so I have to make an effort to wash my face and totter on stage in heels for an awards-do. But actually afterwards I’m always glad I have – it makes a nice change!

What’s been your worst on-stage experience?
You don’t want to know about that. Let’s be positive! 

What’s the sign of a corporate gig going well?
People are looking at me or at least towards the stage. If all I can see is the back of everyone’s heads I know it’s going VERY BADLY. 

Have you ever regretted a story you’ve told at a corporate gig?
Not yet… do you dare me? 

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