Question and Retain’s latest online pulse check poll at the start of this month showed that two thirds of the UK’s leading PR consultancies surveyed see the merging of communications disciplines as increasingly inevitable.
They asked the question “Do you believe communications disciplines are moving ever closer together?” The choice of answers was Yes – I do it is inevitable; Yes – but not as quickly as some people think; Not really – PR is still a standalone discipline; and Not at all.
How would you have responded? Of those surveyed, while 30% said “Yes – but not as quickly as some people think”, the majority of 70% said “Yes I do – it is inevitable”.
I agree with this sentiment, it is inevitable; if content is key today understanding how it can best be disseminated for maximum impact is critical for any communications professional. Boundaries are blurring between traditional disciplines and that requires some new thinking from us all.
But there is still a need for PR professionals to work alongside those in marketing to explore the differences in how this content is expressed, and the tone of voice we use. In the business to business environment understanding your audiences is critical; a one size fits all approach simply does not work.
So while disciplines are moving ever closer, respecting what made communications disciplines targeted and successful, should not be forgotten. It is about embracing those skills and working together wherever possible as an inter-disciplinary team.