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What do B2B marketing budgets, spend, and return look like this year?

In August 2023, we officially launched the Community Index, a real-time dashboard of B2B marketing metrics for Propolis members. Since then, we’ve collected data on B2B marketing budgets, spend, return, customer acquisition, retention, team structures, and more. The result is a comprehensive picture of B2B marketing financials, strategies, and impacts.

Nearly a year later, what have we learned? Are budgets increasing or decreasing? Are B2B marketers investing more in branding? Is ABM rising or declining? Is customer acquisition becoming easier or harder?

Join our webinar with Kavita Singh, Senior Content Editor, Nimmi Bhalla, Director of Business Marketing at Virgin Media, and David Keene, Chief Marketing Officer at Wipro, as they discuss:

  • Changes in B2B marketing budgets this year and how your peers are allocating resources.
  • How B2B marketers are utilizing agencies.
  • The areas where B2B marketers see the highest return on investment.
  • The evolving size and structure of B2B marketing teams in 2024.

Don’t miss this opportunity to understand the current state of B2B marketing and benchmark your efforts against industry standards.

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