Connecting through storytelling

Stories are and have always been our primary way of communicating with other people. They help us make sense of the world and let us interact with each other. Stories cannot only serve as a helpful tool for people, but can also help raise brand awareness. Yet, there are thousands of organisations, authorities, companies, and individuals who want their stories heard. That’s why it is crucial for your company to tell a story that is unique, personal and inspiring. Brand journalism can help you find those stories and communicate them successfully.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, the greatest challenge organisations face nowadays is producing unique and relevant content for their audience. They fail to see the potential and news value of stories that lie within their reach. For example, if your company is active in market research, you are probably sitting on a treasure trove of data. The only problem is figuring out how to translate that data into a story, who to tell the story to and when to tell it. This is where brand journalists come in. Their journalistic approach provides them with the necessary know how to look for engaging content for you and target the right audience.

Why brand journalism isn’t the same as content marketing
With content marketing, the company tries to interfere in the buying process and mainly communicates about products. Brand journalists communicate about a brand’s personality in order to create a connection with an audience. With funny, moving, surprising, or informative stories, they try to relate to the public. As Mark Ragan, CEO of Ragan Communications, put it: “Brand journalism is being a reporter for your company, not a cheerleader.”At first glance, brand journalism and content marketing may seem identical. They both try to get your company’s story across. But even though they might be interconnected, they are not exactly the same. The main difference between them is their goal. Content marketers aim to develop content related to your brand, from which the company itself might benefit. Brand journalists, on the other hand, try to tell stories that are relevant for a certain audience.

Would you like to know more about brand journalism and how you can use it in your company? Come and attend my lecture at B2B Marketing Belgium Conference The Culture of Content”.

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