Content marketing activities set for significant increase

Seventy-three per cent of B2B marketers believe content marketing will become increasingly important over the next 12 months, according to new research published by B2B Marketing.

When asked whether content marketing was going to become more or less important over the next year, none of the respondents said it would become less important, and only 27 per cent of marketers said it would retain a similar level of importance in the future.

Alex Aspinall, head of content at B2B Marketing, says: “Along with social media, perhaps even as  a consequence of its assent, content marketing is the B2B marketing world’s concept du jour. The wisdom of the central concepts behind inbound marketing techniques go largely unchallenged, and brands across the world are rushing to reap the rewards of its successful adoption promises. This research reveals that marketers are fully signed up to a content-focused future.” 

Download the full report here: B2B Marketing Content Marketing Benchmarking Report 2013. Plus, download the #b2bcontent infographic providing further detail on the report.

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