Customer uses promoted tweet to lodge complaint against BA

Businessman, Hasan Syed bought a promoted tweet to highlight the poor service he received from British Airways when the airline lost his father’s luggage.

The promoted tweet is targeted towards UK and US markets urging customers: ‘Don’t fly @BritishAirways. Their customer service is horrendous.’

Promoted tweets are typically bought by brands wishing to reach a wider audience. These paid-for tweets are promoted to the top of users’ Twitter feeds and can be retweeted by others.

This use of promoted tweets could represent a new trend, as customers are able to publicise their grievances via social media.

Despite the popularity of the tweet, being picked up by news websites such as Mashable, it took 10 hours for BA team to reply to the tweet: ‘Sorry for the delay in responding, our twitter feed is open 09:00-17:00 GMT. Please DM [direct message] your baggage ref and we’ll look into this.’

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