B2B Marketing’s new Data Skills Benchmarking Report (see infographic below) has uncovered that predictive analytics is the weakest data skill for marketers, while data segmentation is the strongest.
The research project asked over 200 B2B marketers to rate their own data skills, as well as those of their team and company.
The report also reveals that while 99 per cent of marketers see data as ‘very important’ or ‘important’, only 53 percent believe their team feels the same way.
Respondent marketers also revealed that while they feel their own data skills are generally okay, those of their team tend to be lacking.
Danielle Howe, reports editor at B2B Marketing, said: “This new research project has uncovered some fascinating insights into the way marketers really feel about data. While data is clearly valued by the majority, there is some way to go before data is really used in the most sophisticated ways.
“Technological investment may be the answer for some, but marketers need to make sure their skills, and those of their teams, are up to scratch first and foremost.”
This report was produced in partnership with Circle Research and is available to download here. It is free for members of B2B Marketing, or available to purchase for non-members.