Dell launches business achievement campaign


Dell has launched a brand campaign focused on business achievement. In line with Dell’s goal to give people ‘The power to do more,’ the campaign is based on the real life stories of companies, featuring Caterham, T-Gen and NASDAQ. The creative aims to demonstrate how the right technology addresses business challenges and empowers business to achieve more.

The campaign is aimed towards businesses of all sizes and will include television, online and print advertisements, as well as a dedicated The power to do more microsite.

This activity is an extension of the previous creative which centered on personal achievement. Together, these campaigns link Dell technology and services with the achievements of individuals and businesses, highlighting how technology can support, inspire and transform both business and personal success. 

Stephen Gater, marketing director, consumer, SME for Dell in the UK, said: “Whether looking to increase productivity, save on energy costs or automate resource intensive tasks, technology is the competitive edge every business is looking for – and Dell the leader in partnering with companies of all sized to design the end-to-end solution that meets their individual needs.

 “This campaign brings to life how technology is empowering real businesses, in the fields of Formula 1 through to vital Cancer research enabling businesses to achieve maximum potential whatever challenges they face.” 

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