Devoteam Jive talking with increased revenue

IT consulting firm Devoteam has announced increased revenue and cost savings as a result of encouraging cross-departmental collaboration within the organisation.

Using internal social software platform Jive to integrate sales and marketing, Devoteam has managed to cut its deal cycle by one-third, as well as increase revenue by up to €5 million.

Antoine Colin de Verdière, mobility offer director at Devoteam, said: “It is not just the speed that has improved, but also the quality.

“We’re creating better proposals in a fraction of the time. With the improved information-sharing we get from Jive, we can better understand and respond to customer needs.”

This success is a great example of what can be achieved if greater sales and marketing alignment can be fostered in an organisation.

For more on sales and marketing alignment see our recently published Sales Enablement Best Practice Guide.

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